How Do You Like Your Illusions...

Art for After Hours conceptual designs by Anthony Cappetto are hand drawn, painted, printed, designed for 3D illusions, anamorphic, on one or more interconnected planes; even immersion in physical (live) and virtual space simultaneously with 4D emerging technologies .

3D Dry Chalk Street Painting - Baltimore, MD

3D Dry Chalk Street Painting - Baltimore, MD

3D Dry chalk art street paintings

Following the traditional methods of using dry chalk on pavement, asphalt, concrete.  With discussion, Art for After Hours can bring the dry chalk work into indoor settings using many different substrates and strategies - live, printed, or somewhere in -between..

3D Painted Reverse Angle Multipanel Mural - Venice, FL

3D Painted Reverse Angle Multipanel Mural - Venice, FL

3D Painted/Printed murals

Live or pre-printed, indoors or outdoors - Art for After Hours 3D illusionary mural concepts work from ground layouts to multi-panel designs, immersing our viewers into a 3D illusionary world of ours and our clients' making...

4D Immersive Street Art Installation using Augmented Reality and dry chalk street painting - Garden Grove, CA 

4D Immersive Street Art Installation using Augmented Reality and dry chalk street painting - Garden Grove, CA 

4D immersive Street art installations

The new direction for today beyond 3D illusions alone - Art for After Hours 4D blends animated and still augmented reality, virtual reality experiences, even moving to blur the planes of physical and virtual spaces with 4D street painting world simulations.