Read and view our 3D mural projects in chalk, paint, and our 4D demos in AR, VR. XR in the US and internationally by internationally recognized 3D artist and 4D Early Adopter, Anthony Cappetto of Art for After Hours...

Anthony Cappetto Anthony Cappetto

Creating Chalk Art Metaverses in Second Life and Meta Horizon Worlds: Live 3D Art, Metaverse Components

Been working and testing layouts for chalk art metaverses using Meta Horizon Worlds as a developer in addition to presenting chalk art metaverse displays with our Second Life Build. Below is a walkthrough of our test world from Meta Horizon Worlds with the next level space starting shortly.


…And some images of 3D chalk art pieces along the way…




‘Double Collasping Ramps’


‘African Fauna Voronoi Moon’


Art for After Hours is interested in partnering with Chalk Art Festival Directors in US and internationally, events, launches, and installations to bring specific chalk art worlds and builds with our live 3D chalk art and murals created by Anthony Cappetto.

Metaverse builds creatable in either Meta Horizon Worlds, Second Life, or both simultaneously.

We look forward to hearing about your projects soon.

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Anthony Cappetto Anthony Cappetto

Social Activism through Chalk Art, Murals, and Metaverses…

Social Activism through live chalk art and engaging technology such as metaverses.  Open to working with those to carry community, expression, and voice.  DM or email us.


Especially now, Art for After Hours maintains its commitment to social activism through our projects in a positive manner.


Our chalk art metaverses can be designed to create positive spaces and virtual community expressing our art as well as visiting pieces from clients; or a new, dedicated space may be created for those events, launches, or components to a live event with Art for After Hours chalk art and murals.


‘Respect Existence’ Madonnari Arts Festival in Baltimore, MD (2018)


Art for After Hours has brought our art to national and regional projects for clients MTV Networks, New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, and Doctors Without Borders and looks to bring relevant projects into the public view. Visit our Social Activism page for more.

If you are considering such events, launches, or initiatives feel free to contact us with the form below.

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Anthony Cappetto Anthony Cappetto

‘A Puzzling Reality’ in Chalk Art Metaverse


‘A Puzzling Reality’, a 3D chalk art wall and ground mural I did in Antwerp, Belgium now in the AFAH/InnovativeMetaverse hi-rise in Second Life.  Watch for our other floors, new festival layouts, and more.  


This view from our Second Life metaverse space uses ‘A Puzzling Reality’


The actual artwork as completed on site.


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Anthony Cappetto Anthony Cappetto

3D Murals, Chalk Art, and Metaverses

Art for After Hours bringing the mix of 3D murals, chalk art, and chalk art festival metaverses to clients who want the traditional art and emerging technologies mix in live and virtual events.

Projects by Art for After Hours: From top left, Side by Side comparison of Festival Chalk Art ‘Respect Existence’ with 3D modeling in chalk art environment, the live work on pavement in Baltimore, MD; 3D modeling of several chalk art projects for Second Life metaverse space; Hand painted mural of ‘Everyday Heroes’; 3D chalk art for event at Bridgewater Commons Mall, in Bridgewater NJ.


Details of our anamorphic effects that when painted in this way give an illusion of depth for irregular wall layouts.


3D Chalk Art: ‘Spaghetti’ Baltimore MD.


Chalk Art Festival Metaverses: Using as a component to compliment chalk art festivals. Consider a metaverse element to festivals, events, activations, or launches.


Contact Us for Project Information

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Anthony Cappetto Anthony Cappetto

Introducing our Chalk Art Metaverses for Festivals, Launches, and Events by Anthony Cappetto and Art for After Hours

Still Detail of Chalk Art Space using previously live drawn art, textures to resemble chalk and asphalt.


Video clip of the above detail with a simple animation.


This post shows some of our work creating chalk art metaverses usable for chalk art festivals in the US and internationally.  Think as a promotion component leading up to, during, or to create for future events.  In the coming weeks, we will be posting possibilities including an enhanced metaverse chalk art experience on our space in Second Life, Mixed Reality experiences using Meta Quest 3, and Horizon Worlds.

Currently upgrading our Second Life space for enhanced textures in line with the imagery above which will shared soon.


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Anthony Cappetto Anthony Cappetto

2024-25 Projects Combining Live Chalk Art, Painted or Digital Murals with Extended Reality (XR), 3D Modeling and Animation

In 2024, Art for After Hours continued creating project ideas using hand drawn and/or painted murals with different forms of extended reality, 3D modeling, and animation for our work with clients. Our post shows this direction and to watch this year for our new work in mixed reality, metaverse spaces, simulating chalk art festivals, and worlds for launches, festivals, pop-ups, and public art.


Close up of our chalk illusions created in Blender 3D as part of our metaverse driven interests with traditional street painting or chalk art. this imagery is from a signature work ‘Visions of Cambodia’ originally 30 feet wide by 40 feet long.

The original art - the portion shown in our 3D modeling detail is at the upper left.


Currently, we are presenting our work with metaverse driven spaces based on chalk art festivals as a component to live public projects either as:

  • A teaser item to promote the festivals to wider, tech savvy audiences meant to get their attention; engaging them to come visit and/or participate in live festivals.

  • A component during festivals highlighting a key event or portion of the festival for avatar interactivity to reach wider audiences who cannot physically attend.

  • A legacy item that can be maintained for subsequent years setting stage for future event promotion.

  • All metaverse sites accessible through phones and tablets.

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3D Anamorphic WrapAround Mural 'Sweet Strands' CBD Dispensary NYC by Art for After Hours

I’ve spent the past few weeks painting murals for a soon to open CBD dispensary in Queens, NYC. I first painted the first photo mural as a 3D/anamorphic signature mural for the client. She loved it so much, she asked me to come back and paint a wrap around “weed jungle” on the remaining walls, with a large brightly colored bud on one wall. I also painted the exterior facade banner with her logo and products. 

It was a very fun and creative project, with lots of latitude with my designs. However, it was cold, especially painting outside! I finished work on Dec. 23rd. 

Thanks to Wendy for the exterior assistance of moving the scaffolding and keeping me safe on an inclined street. 

I am now working on an animated AR (augmented reality) component using the painted art, which my client is thrilled about and can use in her marketing! 

This client has the brightest and most creative, original CBD dispensary in NYC! 

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Introducing 'Community' with Chalk and Mural Projects by Art for After Hours

Latest Project: ‘SUBMERGE’ Marine Science Festival at Hudson River Park Pier 84

Art for After Hours worked with the SUBMERGE Marine Science Festival Team to create an interactive experience celebrating the wildlife of the Hudson River at Pier 84 in New York City.

Chalk drawing boards were prepared for young children who learned about local wildlife then drew upon two of the three plywood chalkboards shown.

Anthony Cappetto (pictured) of Art for After Hours created a display piece on the third plywood unit featuring a kestrel perched on a branch, an osprey in flight, and a snapping turtle upon a rock in the river.


See more about our select community projects in New York, Connecticut, and South Carolina on our new Community Based Projects page on

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Celebrating New York and USA at First Command Private Event in NYC

Had a great evening bringing the excitement of 3D street art murals to the attendees at the 2023 First Command Advisory Conference in New York City!

It was great to bring 3D street art to the attendees of a private event hosted by First Command in Midtown Manhattan.

Onsite, I added some texture to the 3D stone drop for detail and to entertain the attendees…

Watch the excitement with our mural and more…

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Chalk Art with Still and Animated Augmented Reality (Live)

Yesterday, Wendy and I went out to one of our favorite testing places for Art for After Hours concepts using 3D street paintings or chalk art with animated models of our creation to see the effects live.


This is an extended video showing a number of locations displaying concepts as they progress…

As always, we would like to hear from those who can imagine an installation with hand drawn (or digital printed) art on pavement walls, both for an immersive experience with traditional art and emerging technologies. Contact us with the form below. Thanks.

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