Introducing our Chalk Art Metaverses for Festivals, Launches, and Events by Anthony Cappetto and Art for After Hours

Still Detail of Chalk Art Space using previously live drawn art, textures to resemble chalk and asphalt.


Video clip of the above detail with a simple animation.


This post shows some of our work creating chalk art metaverses usable for chalk art festivals in the US and internationally.  Think as a promotion component leading up to, during, or to create for future events.  In the coming weeks, we will be posting possibilities including an enhanced metaverse chalk art experience on our space in Second Life, Mixed Reality experiences using Meta Quest 3, and Horizon Worlds.

Currently upgrading our Second Life space for enhanced textures in line with the imagery above which will shared soon.


Contact Us:

Anthony Cappetto

Founder of Art for After Hours, since 2001 bringing professional street painting experiences chalk, paint, XR, and Metaverse driven solutions for corporate, exhibition, not for profit, chalk art festival, government, NGO, and Public Art Installations in the US and Internationally.

3D Murals, Chalk Art, and Metaverses


2024-25 Projects Combining Live Chalk Art, Painted or Digital Murals with Extended Reality (XR), 3D Modeling and Animation