4D Animated Augmented Reality with 3D Chalk Art by Anthony Cappetto and Art for After Hours in Westfield NJ

Art for After Hours brought a full 4D animated augmented reality driven installation to the community of Westfield NJ using animated dancing characters, our own hand drawn AR overlays, and traditional hand drawn chalk art featuring this 3D party pool and a series of hand drawn chalk vignettes located around the downtown Westfield area. Some images were set up to have an AR component as part of our weeklong project.

We had a great time sharing our excitement about the blending of traditional art and emerging technologies with the visitors who saw and participated ‘diving’ and dancing with the animated, dynamic characters during the event weekend itself.



Ladybugs on Floating Leaves

Ladybugs on Floating Leaves

Stylized Rhinoceros

Stylized Rhinoceros



Astronaut Goin’ Fishin’ on the Moon with a hand drawn AR overlay of a goldfish…

Astronaut Goin’ Fishin’ on the Moon with a hand drawn AR overlay of a goldfish…

The Jaunty Fox

The Jaunty Fox

The Zebra Wizard

The Zebra Wizard

A special thanks to Downtown Westfield and Nettl for allowing us to use their animal characters in our concepts and the people and businesses who were so supportive of us through our project stay.

Feel free to reach out to us for a unique 4D animated augmented reality chalk art/mural concept from Art for After Hours.

artforafterhours.com anthonycappetto.com

Anthony Cappetto

Founder of Art for After Hours, since 2001 bringing professional street painting experiences chalk, paint, XR, and Metaverse driven solutions for corporate, exhibition, not for profit, chalk art festival, government, NGO, and Public Art Installations in the US and Internationally. 


4D Goldfish Bowl with Koi Pond Chalk Art NYC


Community- 3D Street painting/Chalk Art in a New Time