Community- 3D Street painting/Chalk Art in a New Time

Hello Everyone,

In times past, street painting or chalk art was publicly seen in good as well as uncertain times.

As everyone knows worldwide we are in the times that are uncertain.

We are choosing to work with clients who partner with art, in our case our 3D art and murals to reach virtually, indoors, and in new ways that are safe for all.

Our thoughts are with our community of New York City and our world for an eventual overcoming and someday thriving world with the pandemic behind us all.

Anthony Cappetto and Wendy Stum

Art for After Hours 3D Murals and Installations

Anthony Cappetto

Founder of Art for After Hours, since 2001 bringing professional street painting experiences chalk, paint, XR, and Metaverse driven solutions for corporate, exhibition, not for profit, chalk art festival, government, NGO, and Public Art Installations in the US and Internationally.

Check Out the 4D Pool Party!! Augmented Reality, Chalk Art


3D Street Painting Artwork Used in a National Commercial